Blood Cancer Chronic Diseases
Cancer of the blood or it could be called the disease of leukemia is a type of cancer that attacks the white blood cells produced by the bone marrow. This bone in the human body produces blood cells, including three type of white blood cell that serves as the durability of the body fight infection, red blood cells that carry oxygen into the body to function and platelet blood cells a small section which helps the process of blood clotting.
Blood Cancer Chronic Diseases
Leukemia disease generally appears on a person since they were children, the bone marrow without known cause is clearly has been producing white blood cells that develops is not normal or abnormal. Normally, the white blood cells reproduce reset when the body needs it or is there a place for blood cell itself. The human body will give the sign or signal on a regular basis when blood cells are expected to reproduce again.
In the case of cancer, blood white blood cells did not respond to a sign/signal is given. The production of excessive uncontrolled will come out from the bone marrow and are found in the peripheral blood or blood banks.
The number of abnormal white blood cells this if overconsumption can disrupt the normal function of the cell to another, a person with this condition (Leukemia) will show some of the symptoms such as; easily exposed to infectious diseases, anemia and bleeding.
Leukemia is not the only blood cancer. There are two types of blood cancer lymphoma plaguing other lymphatic system, as well as myeloma plasma cells that attack the body.
The cause of the blood cancer can occur by heredity. Parents who have blood cancer pain can be decreased on his son. A number of studies mentioned that the emergence of the blood cancer or Leukaemia could be caused also by the treatment that uses radiation or chemotherapy that is used to kill other cancer who previously suffered. But instead it unwittingly cause leukemia. Radiation is one factor that is also widely accused as a cause of cancer of the blood.
While chronic leukemia has no diseases that travel so fast that have a longer life expectancy, to more than 1 year. Leukemia is classified based on the type of cells. When it is known that on examination of leukemia affects the lymphoid cells or lymphocytes, then called lymphocytic leukemia. While the leukemia that affects cells such as neutrophils, basophils mieloid, and eosinophils, called leukemia mielositik. From this classification, then Leukemia is divided into four types:
- Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (LLA). It is the most common type of leukemia in children. The disease also occurs in adults who mainly have been aged 65 years or older.
- Acute mielositik leukemia (LMA). This is more common in adults than children. This type was called acute nonlimfositik leukemia.
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (LLK). This is often suffered by adults older than 55 years. Also sometimes suffered by young adults, and almost none in children.
- Chronic mielositik leukemia (LMK) often occur in adults. It can also occur in children, but very little.
Usually occurs in adults with ages between 45-60 years old. Marked by his uncontrollable spread of the small and abnormal lymphocytes in lymphoid tissue, blood, and bone marrow.
This type of leukemia is a type of light and the most sluggish of its development as well as benign in nature. Genetic factors play an important role in this type.
Symptoms of chronic lymphocytic leukemia occurs is anemia, always feeling tired, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, are particularly susceptible to infections, weight loss, bone pain, swelling of the liver and spleen, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and bleeding.
That's a glimpse of the blood Cancer Chronic Diseases, of course this cancer is very dangerous so lets be more alert. Do cancer prevention as early as possible. Remember, the better to prevent than cure.
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