Early Symptoms Of The Disease Of Brain Tumor

Tumor disease is a disease caused by the growth of something that is not normal primary, metastatic, and also there is a development that originally from in the brain and the supports of the structure of the brain. Treatment of diseases of the brain tumor was performed with some of the factors influenced namely tumor type the location of the tumor, and also from the State of the patient. The treatment is done, one of which is the surgery going on with openly in the cranium. Early symptoms of diseases of the brain tumor is usually determined from the area of the brain that suffered the attack and also how the extent of the disease.

symptoms of a brain tumor

Early Symptoms Of The Disease Of Brain Tumor

This type of brain tumor in children diseases in for the into two, namely the glia cell tumors is one of the diseases of the brain tumors are most common and usually consist of various kinds and types of cells with some prognosis, including astrositoma, ependimoma, and globastoma. While the second type of illness brain tumor is a tumor of this neuroektodermal that might arise from a series of primitive cells that do not differentiate and can stand out on the system that exists throughout the central nervous system.

Early symptoms of brain tumor usually disease appear by looking at the site, the type and rate of growth of its brain tumor and the age of the child. Typically, there are two patterns in its presentation of different symptoms and signs of increased intracranial pressure and neurological signs also. Different brain tumors that occur in the posterior fossa are primary brain tumors can cause symptoms and are also a sign of increased intracranial due to obstruction of the path of the CSS and the growing problem of Hydrocephalus.

Early symptoms of the disease to other brain tumors are changes that occur from personality. Those suffering from brain tumor will normally be lethargic, being easily irritated skin, hiperaktid, and is also easy to forget thus causing the value of the child becomes worse. While intracranial pressure that has increased is usually characterized by pain in the head, vomiting, monocular, and also papiledema and there are its prominent symptoms in infants fontanela and have an increased size on the head.

Because the disease is one of the brain tumors that occur in neurological disorders, then the symptoms that appear on brain tumor diseases will occur in sequence. This is the one that caused the importance of doing the anamnesis and also checks on the sufferer. Neurologik symptoms that appear on brain tumor is usually a 2 factor caused by a focal disorder incurred as a result of the tumor and also the pressure that occurs in intracranial. Focal disorder that occurs if there is an emphasis on brain tissue and also the existence of a direct invasion or infiltration occurred in parenkim brain with the presence of a damage to the neurons. This surely is a disorder that most of the tumors that occur and grow grow faster. Changes in intake of blood will lead to occurrence of a pressure that can cause the presence of tumor necrosis of brain tissue to grow on. Disorders of the blood supply or arterial blood intake generally is a form of symptoms of loss of function with acute and can become garbled because of the presence of a disorders cerebrovaskular primer. 

The checks performed on brain tumor are:

  • CT scan and MRI

This inspection is carried out by means of intracranial tumors showing all this into a procedure or arrangement of initial inspection showed the presence of a or the presence of progressive symptoms a sign of brain disease ifus or focal, and jga is one sign of the specifics of the syndromes or symptoms on the tumor. It is also sometimes difficult to distinguish from a tumor or abscess with processes that occur elsewhere.

  • Photos plain chest

This inspection is carried out with the aim to help determine if the tumor last comes from a metastatic can give an image of single or multiple nodules on the brain.

  • Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid

This inspection is carried out with the purpose to see the presence of a tumor cells and also as a tumor marker. However, this is not a routine inspection usually is done mainly for patients who had a larger brain mass. And generally, the diagnosis is done in the form of a diagnosis of hitologik is enforced through an examination of Anatomic Pathology, as one of the right ways to help distinguish from tumors with crebri abscess or abscess process the process of infection.

  • Stereostatik biopsy

This inspection is performed to diagnose the presence of a tumor in the position that is in and also to provide a basis on the treatment and also information on prognosis.

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