Characteristics of breast cancer Stage 1

How to recognize the characteristics of breast cancer stage 1? In general the definition of cancer can be defined as a disease that is caused by the development of cells that exist in the human body is out of control. Cancer is a disease resulting from abnormal growth of the cells of the body's tissues are turns into cancer cells. In the process, these cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body so that it can cause death.

breast cancer Stage 1

Then what is the cause of the occurrence of disease of breast cancer that is often experienced by women? Reproductive factors may be the cause of the onset of breast cancer cells in addition to the factors of the use of the hormone astrogen hormone especially. In addition to the two above factors, ionization radiation, fibrokistik disease, and obesity is taking an important role as causes of the incidence of breast cancer in women. Food is also an important factor in the incidence of the disease take breast cancer especially food containing preservatives such as food coloring substances boraks, textiles.

Every woman needs to be aware of the causes, signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Because breast cancer is divided into several stadium then we will discuss the characteristics of a breast cancer stage 1.

Characteristics of breast cancer stage 1:

  1. The existence of the lump that's in the chest that judging is different to the surrounding area. And most importantly for the ladies, these bumps do not give pain in sufferers of breast cancer stage 1.
  2. Cancer lumps the size of no more than 2 cm.
How to recognize the characteristics of breast cancer stage 1? The tips below you can use to detect symptoms or early stage breast cancer without having to pay.

Any woman can do checks to detect early symptoms of breast cancer a week after menstruation. A week after menstruation is apt because at that moment the hormones estrogen and progesterone are at low levels. The hormones estrogen and progesterone control and affect large or small breasts. There are a few things to note:

  1. Note the position of the breast with both hands above the head and then both hands at waist.
  2. Raise your left hand to the top of the head.
  3. Use the surface of the finger for a fingering or pressing the breast and make sure to touch all parts of the breast. The pattern can be used with the movement direction of the play, movement up and down direction or the direction of the exit and entry of the putting area. Try using the same movement every month.
  4. Suppress any putting it gently and observing whether there is liquid coming out.
  5. Check the area between the breast and armpit and the breast bone and the chest while lying down.
  6. Repeat all of these steps to the right breast.
How to know the traits of a woman experiencing interference on her tits?
  1. If the breast squeeze, it will come out white liquid such as milk that doesn't smell but no pain.
  2. The skin of the breast looks like orange peel, that constrict with the skin pores are rather prominent.
  3. There is a bump that always found when checking in the area around the breast or under the armpit.

Handling breast cancer Stage 1

"If found the presence of disorders or problems in the breast, then we recommend that you check with your doctor immediately. Usually the doctor will conduct a further examination in the form of breast USG, if the result is still dubious it will be continued with mammography is to find out whether the tumor is benign or
malignant, "he said.

This inspection should be done at the young age of 20-30 years. But for women who are already married, taking any hormonal contraceptive, use silicone or plastic surgery on her breasts, should give more attention to the examination.

By knowing the characteristics of breast cancer stage 1 above, should the women more wary of signs that arise around the breast.

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