Types of Brain Tumor that attacks humans
Brain cancer is a malignant brain tumor that can spread quickly to other parts of the brain and spine. Please note, not all brain tumors are malignant and can be categorized as cancer. There is also a brain tumor is benign. Benign brain tumors is a set of brain cells that grow slowly and do not spread to other parts.
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symptoms of brain cancer
Brain tumor symptoms vary from one sufferer to sufferer to another depending on the size and the parts of the brain that become infected. The tumor could make the infected area of the brain is not functioning properly and pressing brain tissue causing headaches and seizures.
Here are some common symptoms of a brain tumor :
- Excessive fatigue and easy sleepy.
- Disorders of vision.
- Impaired walking and talking.
- Vomiting.
A. glioma cancer
Glioma is a general term for a group of brain tumors that begin in glial cells. A number of tumors can be considered glioma, glioblastoma, including astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, ependymomas and. About 4 out of 10 cases of brain cancer is a glioma. When calculated case of brain cancer malignant, about 8 out of 10 is a glioma.
B. Meningiomas
Meningiomas are the most common brain tumors in adults. Those arising from the meninges, the lining of the tissue that surrounds the outside of the brain and spinal cord. Meningiomas contribute to about half of the 3 primary brain cancer and cancer of the spinal cord.
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This type of brain tumor risk increased with age. They are about twice as common in women. In some cases this tumor are genetic (derived), especially on those with neurofibromatosis (a syndrome of benign tumors in the nervous tissue).
Meningiomas cause symptoms by suppressing brain or spinal nerves. About 4 out of the 5 meningiomas are benign, and most can be cured with surgery. But some meningiomas grow very close to vital structures in the brain and cannot be cured with surgery alone. A small number of meningiomas are vicious and may go back many times after the surgery or even spread to other parts of the body.
C. Medulloblastomas
Medulloblastomas are brain tumor that develops from cells of neuroectodermal (primitive nerve cells) in the brain. They are the cancer that is growing rapidly and is often spread across the path of cerebrospinal fluid, but they can be treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Medulloblastomas occurs more often in children than adults. They are part of a class called primitive neuroectodermal tumors tumors (PNETs) that can occur in a large brain and elsewhere in the central nervous system.
D. Gangliogliomas
Brain tumor containing neurons and glial cells called ganglioglioma. This is very rare in adults and have the prospect of a cure with surgery alone or surgery combined with radiotherapy.
E. Schwannomas
Schwannomas are derived from Schwann cells, which are part of nerve myelin-forming skulls and other peripheral nerves. This type of brain tumors are usually benign. They can arise from cranial nerves. When they form a tumor of cranial nerve responsible for balance near the cerebellum, they are called acoustic neuromas or vestibular schwannomas. They may also arise from the spinal cord after they have left the spinal cord.
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